Government Schools Have a War on Families

The following article was published in Eagle Forum’s April 2024 report. 

he United States, Western civilization, the American church, and the family are all on the verge of destruction, and the most important weapon used to destroy them has remained largely hidden — until now. 

In his new book Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family & Freedom — and How to Stop It, author, journalist, and educator Alex Newman explains that this has been the plan from the start.

“The public school system is not broken,” explains Alex Newman. “It is actually working very well, once you understand that the purpose was never to educate. The most amazing part is that we can prove this with primary-source documents.”

Phyllis Schlafly, a supporter of Newman’s first book on education, Crimes of the Educators, which he authored with the late Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, said, “Alex Newman is a very distinguished intellectual… his book is a must-read; all Eagle Forum leaders are required to read it.”


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