Sexual Identity False god Inanna Ishtar

We just have to get to the roots of were all this sexual gender confusion is coming from. This false god claimed to change women into men and men into women and to cause adults to think they are children and talk like them. This false worship is happening in today’s culture and most people don't even know where it came from.


The festivals of this goddess involved reversals in categories of age, status, and sex. As articulated in one Sumerian hymn to Inanna:

nanna was entrusted by Enlil and Ninlil with the capacity to gladden the heart of those who revere her,… to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man, to change one into the other, to make young women dress as young men on their right side, to make young men dress as young women on their left side, to put spindles into the hands of men [?] and to give weapons to the women; to see that women amuse themselves by using children's language, to see that children amuse themselves by using women's language.

("Hymn to Inanna for Ishme-Dagan" 19-25)

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